Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences


Experience plant sentience for yourself

as you learn the language of plants

at our incredible flower garden encounters!


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It's happiness therapy for your heart and soul!

Full day and half-day open-air workshops in spring & autumn


half day workshops   ~   full-day workshops


Enchanted Garden Experience



Take a journey with us into beautiful peaceful blooming botanical gardens where we will open your heart and mind to nature's beauty and intelligence as we show you how to experience firsthand a deeply profound and meaningful connection and heart communication with the living, sentient plant kingdom




Flowers have so much wisdom and emotional depth to share with you.  We'll teach you how to understand plant language, how to tap into 'plant medicine' and how to use the wise counsel of flowers to bring more happiness and meaning into your own life  



Plants are highly intelligent, highly adaptive and complex living beings that are 700 million years more advanced than humans.  Since they cannot move about freely, plants have developed very clever ways to have all their needs met by other species!  


Did you know that the brain of a plant is in its roots, and its reproductive organs are on top?   



Astonishingly, plants possess ALL the same senses as humans, including emotions.   They can hear, taste, feel, see, communicate, make decisions, build relationships, recognize their own family members, and defend themselves.  Plants are clever enough to strategically provide something we need or want in exchange for helping them achieve their own goals of propigating or travelling


Plants are highly intuitive and understand your intent.  Many plants are highly nurturing.  They can sense your feelings and see your aura.  They can make a conscious choice to emit light and sound frequencies that will help you feel better.  Plants can even sing!  They love classical and new age music


Plants communicate openly in highly evolved ways

Plants 'silently' communicate to other species using a type of body language involving shape, texture, scent, colours, taste, ultraviolet light, and high frequency sound which subtly 'speaks' to our own senses and emotions.  We're going to teach you that body language!  




3 hour Introductory

'Flower Whispering' Encounter


Sunday June 2, 2024   



Sunday Sept 15, 2024 



at Whistling Gardens 

Wilsonville ON





Meander through acres of beautiful expansive gardens as we show you how to actually ‘read’ and understand the sensory non-verbal language of plants to intuitively access their wisdom and healing qualities.  Choose spring or autumn dates.  Or come to both!  The plants and their energies are entirely different in different seasons!




"Your workshop was such an amazing experience for me. I loved learning more about what it is that you do and how you do it. I look at every flower differently now and wonder what lessons it has to teach us. But more so than any of that, your workshop helped me connect with myself again. It validated some of the feelings that I was having and helped to name some of the other feelings that I hadn't been able to identify yet. I've told all my friends what an incredible, life-changing experience it was for me and recommended that they check out your website"  Chalcea H  Wichita Kansas



Communicating with flowers


Introductory flower-whispering program includes day-pass admission to the spectacular themed gardens of Whistling Gardens, 1PM musical dancing fountains show, printed handouts, 10% discount at the garden centre, and 3 hour hands-on walk-about plant sentience presentation with renowned 'flower whisperer' Lori D'Ascenzo 



What you'll need to bring:  folding camp chair or stool, hat or umbrella, outdoor shoes, journal or notepad & pencil, bottle of water, camera


Workshop takes place rain or shine!  Remember when you were a kid and loved to play in the rain?  It was so freeing and fun!  Flowers, frogs and faeries are delighted when it rains so your experience may become even be more special!  Bring an umbrella and a change of clothes, just in case!  (Event will be delayed or postponed in the event of a thunderstorm)


$40 deposit required to save your space (nothing is charged to your credit card until 30 days before the event).  Balance is due 7 days before the event

Bring a friend or two, or come alone and make new friends!


Whistling Gardens is located 10 minutes south of Hwy 403/Brantford.  45 minutes from Hamilton airport, 1 hr from London ON ~ 2 hrs from Toronto or Niagara Falls ON ~ 2.5 hrs from the Peace Bridge in Buffalo NY  


Directions to Whistling Gardens


Join this Interactive Seminar







'Flower Whispering' Encounter


Saturday June 15, 2024   



Saturday Sept 14, 2024 



 in the private gardens of Enlightened Feelings 

Port Rowan/Long Point Beach  ON





communicating with flowers


We promise this life-changing encounter will invoke your senses and emotions in ways you never thought possible.  You'll experience your own self and the natural world at such a deeply personal and profound level that it will forever change you.  You will walk away with a deep inner peace and much greater wisdom regarding the world around you





"The information of flowers' wisdom telling us messages through their body languages was totally new to me and changed my way of looking at them ... I randomly selected flowers in the garden and flower essence bottles but all was 'no accident', it was surely telling me a story of me... I will definitely recommend.  It's worth travelling from Japan"  Ami K  Japan 




Full day program includes vegetarian lunch, outdoor flower whispering, and a profound sensory self-exploration experience with our amazing flower frequencies.  Plus 10% off our essence fusions  



What stood out most for me was the individuality of each flower and the wisdom each and every flower contains... I see flowers differently now... The way I look at them has changed... It was a unique and wonderful opportunity to immerse myself into and connect personally with the process that has shifted my life. To be able to experience that with the wisdom, experience and support that Lori brings was an amazing experience that I continue to carry with me"  Wendy P  Salt Lake City Utah



Maximum 10 people per workshop.  $75 deposit required to save your space (nothing is actually charged to your credit card until 30 days before the event.  Balance is due 7 days before the event)

Bring a friend or come alone and make new friends!


What you need to bring:  folding camp chair or stool (we will provide if you are travelling by plane), hat or umbrella, outdoor shoes, notepad & pencil, bottle of water, camera 


*If you are travelling from a distance, Hamilton or London ON airports are closest. Long Point Beach, Turkey Point and Port Dover are nearby for accomodations and restaurants 


Join this Interactive Seminar



Would you like to host a garden workshop at your retreat centre

or botanical garden?  Email Us



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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0