Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
September 24, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Did you know... you can call us and we can accurately test you for the essences you need by phone!    

Until now we have reserved this convenient phone service for our VIP clients.  We charge just $10 for a mini test by phone or by photo.  Available if you live anywhere in Canada or continental USA. 

Hours of availability are Wednesday - Friday 10:30 AM-5PM EST.  If we do not answer the phone please call back later--It means we are already focused on testing someone and do not want to be interrupted.   519-586-2983  (Ontario Canada)

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September 11, 2024 @ 8:18 AM

Shipping to USA has resumed on a trail basis  


Happy to report we are resuming shipping to USA on a trial basis.  Thank you for your patience this past year as we tried to sort out customs issues  


Here is the link to our collection of essences


Here is the link to our shopping cart


We look forward to assisting you again!  We will continue to use DHL as our USA and international courier.  DHL offers 2-day delivery to most cities in USA, and ranks with Fed Ex as the most honest and reliable for door-to-door package delivery for items that require special handling



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September 2, 2024 @ 5:16 PM

1st EVER

Exclusively for our wonderful CANADIAN clients



It's our 12th anniversary, and we're celebrating where it all started--Canada! We have never before discounted our essence fusions. 
But, we really wanted to show our gratitude and reward our Canadian clients for your loyalty!  So, the longer you've been a client, the bigger your discount
When did you first order from us? 
September SALE-bration for Canadian Clients
If this is your first order, welcome!  This month you'll get 10% off your order, even if you only order 1 bottle to sample our products.  It doesn't .........

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August 26, 2024 @ 12:10 PM

Plant Sentience Experience--bliss and balance for your heart and soul

Plants are highly intelligent, highly adaptive and complex living beings that are 700 million years more advanced than humans.  Since they cannot move about freely, plants have developed very clever ways to have all their needs met by other species!

Plants 'silently' communicate to other species using a type of body language involving shape, texture, scent, colours, taste, ultraviolet light, and high frequency sound which subtly 'speaks' to our own senses and emotions 

We're going to teach you that body language!


And we are going to teach you about the highly developed senses and intelligence of plants!

Astonishingly, plants possess ALL the same senses as humans, including emotions.   ......

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August 18, 2024 @ 11:26 PM

This morning I was in my garden trimming and watering the flowering plants, as I do every day.  It always feels good to be in a garden surrounded by fresh air, sunshine, flowers and greenery, doesn’t it?  

But, this morning my thoughts were self-focused and intense.  As we all do sometimes, I was judging myself negatively.  Earlier, I had received a newsletter from a flower essence company that I have always liked, admired, and respected.  It glowed with positivity, joy, and inspiration 

Ironically, inspiration was the theme of my own upcoming newsletter.  But, in my newsletter, my approach as always, is to use a challenging moral life lesson 

That's because, unlike flower essence ......

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July 5, 2024 @ 9:18 AM


Would it change your relationship with nature if you could understand the secret way that plants communicate?

Flower Whispering Workshop

 Date change!!!

Saturday August 31, 2024  


at Port Rowan ON 

(30 minutes west of Port Dover ON)


Full day flower-whispering workshop

Immerse your body and senses in nature for an 'other-worldly experience'.  Explore the living world of flowers by learning about plant sentience 

First, you'll learn to how read plant body-language--the clever universal method of communicating with all living species.  Reading plant body language properly can help you understand whether a plant is helpful or harmful, and pinpoint its unique qualities and wisdom

After an energizing delicious vegetarian lunch, you'll experience the .........

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June 20, 2024 @ 8:00 AM


Discover how awesome you are!
When Pluto is in retrograde (backward motion from May 2- Oct 12, 2024) cosmic forces bear down to prompt transformation of power--our own personal power, as well as those in positions of power.  This is a time when corruption (both inner and outer) comes into focus--a time to address what needs to be reworked, transformed, or healed in both individual and collective power  
Areas to address: self empowerment, ego vs integrity, power struggles vs authentic power, will power vs lack of commitment, sacrifice vs using others, empowering your innate intuition vs believing the illusion of what you see and hear

On a personal level, empowerment is Pluto'.........

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June 9, 2024 @ 7:58 AM

We have just become aware that our fibre-optic internet/phone service has been malfunctioning for quite some time, causing intermittent black-outs in our service.  If you have been trying unsuccessfully to contact us, or it appears that we have not responded to your email, please let us know ASAP!  We are trying to have the issue resolved, but so far no one can find the source  

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March 11, 2024 @ 8:09 AM

"Be the change you want to see in the world"  Mahatma Ghandi


There's a wonderful side effect of taking our potentized living essences!  It's the positive effect you have on others!  We call it "The Enlightened Feelings Effect!"

As your vibration raises and your consciousness expands from taking our essences, you begin to see the world in a more positive, life affirming way.  You respond to situations differently.  And that will change all your relationships

You'll also become a role model ... Someone that others want to emmulate.  They'll ask how you got to be so happy ... and you will want to help them to choose happiness, just like you did

When you use our .........

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March 5, 2024 @ 7:46 AM

As the energy momentum increases for re-creating our lives in a more conscious way, it is time to make a plan. What are you envisioning and dreaming for your future?

Each of us are seeking the highest, truest expression of ourselves. Perhaps that is why a lot of people have been complaining about dissatisfaction with their current job and are expressing a desire to make changes

If you have no idea what they kind of career you want to choose or how to make positive change happen, we have the ‘magical formula’ to manifest YOUR perfect career! We know it works because it led to the creation of Enlightened Feelings!


Have you ever really thought about what you like and don’t like .........


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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0