Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
July 12, 2024 @ 8:18 AM

Shipping to USA has been temporarily suspended   


Once a month we have been personally trekking your USA packages across the border to USA, declare them for you at US customs, and ship within USA.  We have been doing this since February 2024.  It is a full-day round trip for us.  But, we love you all and did not want to let you down!  

We have now made the decision to temporarily halt this.  Changes are in the works.  We cannot reveal our plans at this time


Here is the link to our collection of essences


Here is the link to our shopping cart


We look forward to assisting you in future!



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July 5, 2024 @ 9:18 AM


Would it change your relationship with nature if you could understand the secret way that plants communicate?

Flower Whispering Workshop

 Date change!!!

Saturday August 31, 2024  


at Port Rowan ON 

(30 minutes west of Port Dover ON)


Full day flower-whispering workshop

Immerse your body and senses in nature for an 'other-worldly experience'.  Explore the living world of flowers by learning about plant sentience 

First, you'll learn to how read plant body-language--the clever universal method of communicating with all living species.  Reading plant body language properly can help you understand whether a plant is helpful or harmful, and pinpoint its unique qualities and wisdom

After an energizing delicious vegetarian lunch, you'll experience the .........

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June 20, 2024 @ 8:00 AM


Discover how awesome you are!
When Pluto is in retrograde (backward motion from May 2- Oct 12, 2024) cosmic forces bear down to prompt transformation of power--our own personal power, as well as those in positions of power.  This is a time when corruption (both inner and outer) comes into focus--a time to address what needs to be reworked, transformed, or healed in both individual and collective power  
Areas to address: self empowerment, ego vs integrity, power struggles vs authentic power, will power vs lack of commitment, sacrifice vs using others, empowering your innate intuition vs believing the illusion of what you see and hear

On a personal level, empowerment is Pluto'.........

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June 9, 2024 @ 7:58 AM

We have just become aware that our fibre-optic internet/phone service has been malfunctioning for quite some time, causing intermittent black-outs in our service.  If you have been trying unsuccessfully to contact us, or it appears that we have not responded to your email, please let us know ASAP!  We are trying to have the issue resolved, but so far no one can find the source  

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March 11, 2024 @ 8:09 AM

"Be the change you want to see in the world"  Mahatma Ghandi


There's a wonderful side effect of taking our potentized living essences!  It's the positive effect you have on others!  We call it "The Enlightened Feelings Effect!"

As your vibration raises and your consciousness expands from taking our essences, you begin to see the world in a more positive, life affirming way.  You respond to situations differently.  And that will change all your relationships

You'll also become a role model ... Someone that others want to emmulate.  They'll ask how you got to be so happy ... and you will want to help them to choose happiness, just like you did

When you use our .........

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March 5, 2024 @ 7:46 AM

As the energy momentum increases for re-creating our lives in a more conscious way, it is time to make a plan. What are you envisioning and dreaming for your future?

Each of us are seeking the highest, truest expression of ourselves. Perhaps that is why a lot of people have been complaining about dissatisfaction with their current job and are expressing a desire to make changes

If you have no idea what they kind of career you want to choose or how to make positive change happen, we have the ‘magical formula’ to manifest YOUR perfect career! We know it works because it led to the creation of Enlightened Feelings!


Have you ever really thought about what you like and don’t like .........


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February 28, 2024 @ 8:30 AM

You have within you the potent power to manifest anything you truly desire.  It happens naturally when you align the energy of your thought with the power of your feelings

Your present reality is, in fact, already being created entirely by your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes, whether or not you are conscious and deliberate with these thoughts and feelings

Manifesting is a natural bi-product of pure, uninterupted, unrefined thought when it is aligned with feeling.  FEELINGS are the secret ingredient.  Manifestation happens in a 6-step process, with INTENT as the tipping point that turns intangible thought into physical reality:


THOUGHT >>> FEELING >>> DESIRE >>> INTENT >>&...............

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February 23, 2024 @ 2:28 PM

Non-Alcohol Essences are now available!

We've gone alcohol-free with all our products!  Our live flower essences are now preserved with FDA-approved natural calcium ascorbate!    

The new non-alcohol formula has no taste or colour when added to water.  It is easy on the stomach, and is also a safe, healthy alternative for cats, dogs, horses, young animals, and children  

We've been working on this alcohol-free formula for a year, testing not only for strength and efficacy, but for shelf life, as well.  We are delighted with the results!

Alcohol-free formulas do contain .01% trace of alcohol (0.03 ml per 30 ml) due to the live-flower-concentrates which activate each different formulation



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February 19, 2024 @ 9:00 AM

One of our most essential basic needs is to belong.  We instinctively want to feel safe, loved, understood and accepted  

If we are lucky, we get this from our family.  But, not every person's childhood is warm and fuzzy.  For most people, family is our greatest challenge and source of pain

Humans are pack or herd animals.  We find safety within a group.  But to find this safety, conformity is necessary    

Studies show that when a herd animal such as a zebra or monkey has an 'X' painted on it, it becomes shunned and rejected by the other members of its pack.  And yet, belonging isn't always the best thing for us.  Love and performance do not go together.  It keeps us......

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February 12, 2024 @ 4:28 AM

Did you know that 90% of people do not test positive for the statement “I LOVE MYSELF”?   We need to understand WHY we hustle for worthiness rather than simply claiming it as our right



About 75% of people do NOT test positive for the statement ‘My mother loves me.’  But, almost everyone tests positive for the statement ‘I love my mother.’  We love.  But we don't feel loved   


Once you shed your distorted lens these is a good chance your'll discover how awesome you are...



Did you feel loved and accepted by your mother and your family?  Or did you try to earn love?


It’s your early childhood experiences that prompted you to become a ‘people-pleaser’.  You learned quickly that ......

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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0