Emotions and Your Body
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In The Secret Language of Emotions author Calvin Banyan explains that your emotions play a critical role in ensuring your needs are met. If feelings are ignored, your subconscious mind must find a way to get its message across and help you see that your deeper needs are being ignored
Health issues and symptoms are your body's method of rather pointedly alerting you when you haven't been paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and have been neglecting your own emotional needs!
"When something within us is disowned, that which is disowned wreaks havoc" Ralph H Blum and Susan Coughan

Here's how it happens ... Thoughts and emotions produce electrical signals in the brain. These signals travel instantly through your neural network to cells, opening cell receptors to release chemical neuro-peptides (NPs) such as hormones, adrenaline, and endorphins
NP's prompt all of your physiological responses. In fact, without neuropeptide release, your body can't function
So physical health is very closely tied to emotional health, because your feelings dictate the specific NP's your cells are releasing
Health issues are the inevitable result of long-held emotional discord and unresolved negative feelings
Studies have shown that negative emotions actually weaken your body, while positive emotions strengthen your body
Negative feelings and trauma can get 'stuck' in the neural network, causing a 'loop-back' or repeating cascade of NP's, which, over time, stress and weaken body functions as well as allow viruses and pathogens to enter cells through active cell-receptors. So, indeed, your thoughts and feelings affect your physiological state
Want to know the emotional root of your symptoms? Click here

Physical pain begins with emotional pain. In fact, your body can't tell the difference. You release the same neuropeptides for both! So, emotional pain inevitably has to cause physical issues
Learn the emotional causes of pain and why pain demands to be heard ...
Amazing TOPICAL essence fusions to help dissolve the energetic effects of emotional pain manifesting as physical pain and injury
The solution In the 1960's, Russian space scientists discovered that by using electronic frequencies to mimic the nervous system, they could alter/manipulate neuropeptide release and restore the body to normal function. After receiving training in this advanced healing protocol we incorporated it with the innovative principles of cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, quantum physicist William Tiller and numerous other ground-breaking scientists
We discovered that by using natural frequencies emitted by living flowers as catalysts, we are able to overwrite the damaging electrical signals your negative emotions elicit. Your body and mind accepts these frequencies effortlessly
As the flower frequencies gently harmonize and raise your body's frequencies, the emotions themselves become positive, and NP release switches to beneficial feel-good NP's
emotions change <-- Flower Frequencies --> physiology changes
The natural bi-product When you overwrite a mental or emotional pattern to prompt beneficial neuropeptides, does the physiology change as well? Neuropeptides do govern all physical functions. So yes, that can be a beneficial side effect. That's why our goal is to help you to effortlessly feel happy, empowered, and emotionally balanced
Catalog of living flower frequencies to help you find inner peace and heal all aspects of your life