The Science and Research Behind Our Flower Essences
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Einstein once explained "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There is no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Unlike flower essences and homeopathy, which match the frequency of a malady in order to neutralize it, Enlightened Feelings products actually elevate your vibration
Negative emotional states cannot exist in a higher vibration. They dissolve into a more positive state, prompting a higher perspective
Additionally, neuropeptides released by cells during a positive state influence your physiology in positive ways. This is evidenced as greater facial symmetry, better health, and an effortless evolution into your best self, no longer struggling or suffering
Our 'live-capture flower frequency method' and its technology combines plant biology, cellular biology, neuroscience, and quantum physics. We harness frequencies occurring naturally in nature that are bio-identical to our own human frequencies. We then use these bio-frequencies to overwrite and dissolve negative emotional issues, trauma, and habit patterns and rapidly instill and strengthen heart-brain coherence. Our products and methods are equally successful with both people and animals
Both hard and soft scientific study verifies that flowers do, in fact, contain intelligence and high energetic properties that affect other biological systems, and 'living' flower essences (the type we use) possess a greater life force and higher frequencies than traditional flower essences. Listen to the lovely frequencies emitted by a growing plant
Over 27 years of research at UCLA by Dr Valerie Hunt clearly associates higher bio-electric fields with greater intelligence, mature emotional balance, reduced stress, heart-brain coherence, and overall superior states of physical health. We have found nothing on this earth that more quickly and effortlessly facilitates this without need of conscious thought or action, than our living flower frequencies can do
We are proud to have created a quantum evolution in the use of botanicals for healing and wellbeing that has revolutionized flower essences and has spawned technology for emotional wellbeing. Nothing we do is random. Everything that goes into our essences and essence fusions, from the choice of alcohol, to the choice of water, and the blending of flower frequencies is carefully and thoughtfully researched and thoroughly tested to ensure the best results for you
We grow our plants organically. We don't kill or harm any plants. We simply capture some of the unique life force of each flower and then magnify and augment it in a secret proprietary way. So our products are 100% sustainable and earth-friendly
Traditional flower essences are homeopathic remedies, made by picking flowers and distilling them into a tea, then sucussing and diluting until only the energy signature remains. Flower essences harmonize discordant emotional energies within your body by introducing similar (complementary) sine waves to nullify what is out of balance. This is the homeopathic principle of healing
In the diagram below, the left side shows a sine wave of an emotion. On the right side you see the same complementary sine wave with traditional flower essences overlapping it. The result is harmonization or balance through neutralizing the discordant energy

However, our vibrationally enhanced living essences work in an entirely different way ...
We start with understanding the mechanisms of your body and how the body responds to intangible frequencies such as emotions. Each time you have a thought or feeling, a cascade of light photons (electricity in the form of sine waves) instantly travels throughout your body via your neural network to all your cells. In response to the specific frequency of that feeling, corresponding chemical proteins called 'neuropeptides' release from your cells to cause a physical response within your body
Your cells produce more than 360 different NP's. Hormones, endorphins, adrenaline, dopamine, oxytoxin are some examples of NP's. Depending on your emotional responses, they release NP's in different combinations, to create a vast array of physiological responses. So, when your heart and brain are discordant, it causes chemical chaos in your body, resulting in poor health, accidental injuries, stress, and emotional or mental discord
Learn more about how emotions affect your health ...
'It's only a miracle until we understand the Science. Then it becomes technology'
Our proprietary research revealed that when you change the frequency of any emotion, the emotion itself changes. And the release of neuropeptides also changes. This phenomenon was the catalyst for us to create our unique vibrationally enhanced living essences
We realized that if we could safely introduce specific natural beneficial frequencies to the cells and neural network, we could change the the existing emotional state, creating heart-brain coherence
That, in turn, would begin to change the physical and mental state. Your body would respond by releasing appropriate beneficial neuropeptides. Your brain would quickly harmonize with your heart and your highest self
Change the frequency of fear to the frequency of joy, and your body quickly switches from releasing adrenaline and cortisol to releasing endorphins. It's that simple ... and profound!
"Illness cannot stay in a body where there is Light and Love" Vivian Mauro
What we went on to discover via research by William Tiller and Bruce Lipton at Stanford University, is that DNA is programmed by thoughts and feelings going back generations in your ancestry. And, DNA can actually be re-programmed by your thoughts and feelings NOW!
In other words, with the right frequencies, you can overwrite both your present AND past, including your ancestry, and become truly happy. It is even within the realm of reason that we can begin to correct genetic disorders when we find the right sequence of frequencies for each person!
Read about the research that proves thoughts and frequencies can reprogram DNA
Frequencies emitted by biological systems are so subtle that highly specialized instruments are required to directly measure them. However, the frequencies emitted by our living essences are so amplified, that many people can feel them simply by holding a bottle of essence against their chest ... rather like holding a small stereo speaker against you
THERMOGRAPHIC IMAGES In one experiment, we used standard thermographic imaging to measure the range of frequencies in our living flower essences. (similar to what the military uses and the same equipment used for breast cancer screening)
Colour, light, sound, and emotions are all frequencies. They can be measured in the same way
First we thermo-imaged a 1 oz medical-grade amber bottle containing spring water infused with 25% alcohol. The bottle appeared blue, indicating the frequency was in the cool range of 631-668 hz. Note the blue bottle in the centre of the image. It is clearly defined and emits no aura

Next, we thermo-imaged a 30ml amber bottle of water and 20% alcohol with just 7 drops of Obsidian Iris botanical frequency added to it. The bottle immediately emitted bright yellow energy, indicating the frequency was now completely different--in the 508-526 hz range (see the yellow image to the left of the blue bottle)
Then, a 30ml amber bottle of water and 20% alcohol containing AH botanical frequency was thermo-imaged. The bottle glowed distinctly green, with tinges of yellow, showing a higher frequency than the single essence--it was in the 526-606 hz range. It also strongly radiated outward and influenced a short radius around it, as you can see in the photo image. AH is imbued with the frequency of DNA repair -- 528 hz... the same frequency as the colour green--just as our thermo image measured!
The ambient temperature during our test was identical for all bottles. They were handled only via the dropper lids to ensure body heat from our hands did not directly affect the bottles. The bottles were photographed separately first and then together (as shown above) to better illustrate distinct differences between them
COMPARISON In another experiment, various bottles of our essences and other brands of essences--both living essences and Bach-style flower essences--were held, one at a time, by multiple test subjects who were blindfolded. They were asked to state any sensations or feelings they experienced
In each case, the test subjects could feel and identify strong individual energetic qualities for each of the Enlightened Feelings essences, and actually describe the sensations and specific 'note' or 'octave' of the frequencies. Many also experienced emotional responses. Test subjects experienced a wide range of physical and emotional sensations including heart racing, a feeling of swaying or being pushed or pulled by some invisible energy, a calming or grounding sensation, or an emotional release. No sensations were detected with Bach flowers or other living essences. We tested about 250 brands of essences
FIELD TRIALS In addition to scientific testing, we conduct field trials with all our new formulas using multiple test subjects. We prefer field trials rather than clinical trials, as a clinical trial involves a highly controlled atmosphere with tightly controlled conditions for testing. That's not real life! Everybody is different! We want to know how our essences perform for a broad range of people living under a wide range of circumstances and situations and life experiences. We do not release an essence to the public until we know the results are 100% positive and effectively address the aim of that essence formula across a broad spectrum of personalities