May 23, 2022 @ 7:47 PM
Did you know that schools receive more funding for children who are diagnosed with ADHD or learning challenges?
With a cash incentive, that makes academia rather hasty in labelling kids. According to some doctors, they are being pressured by school administrations and pharmaceutical companies to assess children as having learning challenges, when in reality, the majority of the children simply have different learning styles, or may have nutritional deficiencies
While schools may be benefitting from funding, the kids definitely aren't. Kids are being labelled as problematic or 'special needs', when it is actually the school system that is problematic
Diagnosing children as having .........
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May 16, 2022 @ 7:25 AM
According to Victoria Prooday, Occupational Therapist & writer at, “There is a growing phenomenon developing right now concerning children and teens, especially girls. Researchers have been releasing alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in kids’ mental illness and suicide, which is now reaching epidemic proportions.” Studies cite age 10 and up as the most affected.
Dr. Jean Twenge, author of iGen started doing research 30 years ago on generational differences. By 2011 -2012, when over 50% of children had IPhones, she saw an immediate correlation to the increase in teen depression and suicide
• This was the year that more kids started to say that............
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May 9, 2022 @ 9:29 AM
It is truly tough to be young in today's world. Modern technology has become a demise for our children in so many ways
On average, your child is bombarded with more than 80,000 negative media messages every day. And, cell phones have made your child's private world a very pubic place
Here is where the problem starts....

Cell phones went mainstream in 2008. Almost every person and child now has an I-phone/camera with them at all times
This means anyone can take an embarrassing photo of them at any time without their awareness or permission, and post it on-line. They can be ridiculed or bullied on-line by their peers, causing deep humiliation and .........
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