May 31, 2022 @ 11:23 PM


Enchanted Garden Encounter attendees enjoying lunch


Sunday May 29th was a perfect day for our Enchanted Garden Experience at Whistling Gardens in Wilsonville, ON!


Women came from all over Ontario to learn how to understand the 'body language' of plants and how to communicate with plants.  They also personally experienced the frequencies of living flowers

This was our first ever off-site workshop hosted at another venue.  It was a mammoth undertaking, compounded by double the number of participants normally allowed in our workshops


Jessica loved the outdoor aspect of the workshop.  She said that "being in nature while connecting with the essences was wonderful" 


Linda from Soulscapes in Oakville glows with feminine assertiveness beside a pink peony

Of course, many participants were intuitively drawn to the peonies!   Whistling Gardens was resplendent with peonies of every colour!  In fact, they have the largest peony collection in North America!


Regardless of colour, peonies are the ultimate feminine flower!  They bring out our best feminine qualities!  Each colour and variety of peony has its own characteristics and unique frequencies


For example, the frequencies of pink peonies help to instil the ideal balance of feminine assertiveness.  In the photo on left, Linda from Soulscapes in Oakville positively glows with the qualities of confidence reflected from her pink peony!



Linda's favourite part of the workshop was the profound personal 'aha' moments she experienced during the final reveal of what each of the individual flower frequencies she had chosen were actually assisting with!  


Ingrid thoughtfully studies a Bearded Iris at the Enchanted Garden EncounterIn fact, most participants marvelled at how they had intuitively chosen the ideal flowers for themselves!  What a powerful act of building self-trust and empowerment!


Ingrid (photo on right) thoughtfully studies a Bearded Iris at the Enchanted Garden Encounter  


It was fascinating to see how many of our participants chose irises as one of their flowers to study.  The frequencies of Bearded Iris help women who over-nurture!  

It is helpful for women who look after everyone but themselves.  Over-nurturers and rescuers end up feeling like martyrs, and quite often they develop thyroid issues from not speaking up about their own needs


Along with several other women who attended the workshop, Ingrid said that she had to overcome a lot inside herself to come to the workshop and feels more empowered now than she has ever felt before.  Way to go, ladies!  SOOOO proud of you all!



Editor's note:  Abundant thanks to Wanda and Darren at Whistling Gardens for being the consumate hosts!  Whistling Gardens is a privately-owned award-winning public botanical gardens located in Wilsonville ON.  It features a musical fountain show, weekend entertainment venues, exotic birds, and more than 20 acres of magnificent gardens featuring the largest peony collection in North America and the largest exotic evergreens collection in the world!  Be sure to visit!