July 25, 2023 @ 2:15 PM
It's finally coming! We've set a launch date of September 2023 for our first digital professional practitioner training program!
For the past 4 years we have been working on what turned out to be a really big life-changing project—the first of our comprehensive practitioner courses to train health professionals all over the world how to help people with our Enlightened Feelings products
Our goal is to create the BEST practitioners in the world within the flower essence genre. Together we can change the world for the better, one person at a time, in every corner of the planet!
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July 18, 2023 @ 9:32 AM
For the next 8 weeks you have the amazing opportunity of a lifetime! You get a do-over! If you are brave enough to speak and act on your deepest feelings and desires, it could change your life!
What choices would you make now if you were brave enough to take this second chance? What opportunities do you regret walking away from in your past?
Where is your heart broken and in need of healing? Who do you truly love? What do you long for?
Go after it NOW!
A true story about finding courage to speak your truth, and how withholding the truth can alter destiny ...
When I was in my early 20’s I was madly in ............
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July 14, 2023 @ 9:48 AM

Right now some powerful cosmic energies are hitting our planet. These powerful energies include solar flares, cosmic rays, and solar radiation that are reaching earth due to leaks and gaps in our ionosphere
These frequencies are very disruptive to our nervous systems and brains. This is resulting in a lot of stress, inner chaos, fear, confusion, and even physical aches and pains
The 'cure' for this internal/external chaos is to assist your own energy to become more coherent
You do that by invoking emotions that are the antithesis of chaos--your most natural intrinsic feelings like love, gratitude, joy, compassion, serenity and courage. &.........
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July 12, 2023 @ 7:56 PM
Have you noticed our website has some glitches and broken links? We apologize for any challenges negotiating our website right now
We've been working hard over the past year to update all our informative pages, streamline and reduce the number of pages on our site, and improve our interactive features to better help you get the answers and solutions that can help you. Our goal is to improve your browsing experience, especially on mobile devices
Stay tuned as we continue to upgrade our E-Store and educational pages to offer the best on-line experience for our fellow travellers on your healing paths
Thank you for your patience! Let us know what we can improve for you!
Need to chat with us? &.........
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July 7, 2023 @ 9:43 AM
We are excited to announce that we are in the final stages of preparing the first of our digital Practitioner Training Programs! The Level I course has a tentative launch date of September, 2023

Our goal has evolved to better serve our wonderful clients by having qualified practitioners and product distributors all over the world. This will lower the cost of delivering the products to you, while making Enlightened Feelings products more accessible all over the globe.
The course has been long-awaited and has suffered from many unexpected delays. When new US Customs regulations in January 2023 again prevented us from shipping to our USA clients, we took this disaster and turned it into an .........
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