October 23, 2023 @ 9:06 AM
In both psychology and Feng Shui, we recognize that clutter is physical evidence that you are holding onto negative feelings from your past. Just as procrastination reveals psychological avoidance of past emotional trauma, clutter is physical evidence of avoidance
In feng shui, your home is the physical representation of the different aspects of your mental state and your life--your family, career, prosperity, relationship, health, future, and self. A cluttered house = a cluttered, confused mind and body that isn’t letting go of the past
Clutter places unnecessary obstacles in the way of your present and your future. Clutter or hoarding delivers subliminal messages of obstacles......
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October 17, 2023 @ 9:03 AM
Let's face it ... we’ve all got secrets …. Whether we have thoughts and embarrassing experiences we want to keep to ourselves, or we are confidants to the secrets of others
Why do we keep secrets? Fear. We fear judgment which results in humiliation, punishment, or being ostracized. Shame is very painful and very traumatic. We do whatever we can to avoid it. And so we keep secrets
GUILT = I DID something bad (self-judgment)
SHAME = I AM bad/unworthy (self-punishment)
HUMILIATION = Others think I am bad (feeling judged by others)
DISGUST = Someone else is bad (shaming others)
Shame needs 3 things to ...............
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October 9, 2023 @ 8:13 AM
I was once asked a philosophical question … “If you could have one superpower what would it be?” hmmmm …
What is a superpower?
It is a personal strength or ability that brings benefit to yourself and others
There are, of course, obvious special talents and abilities such as artistic talent, a sense of rhythm for dance, athletic prowess, or a beautiful voice for singing. There are those who feel a calling to their destiny, to a special purpose or passion, and they act on that feeling to bring something of value into the world. But, there are infinite numbers of ordinary folks with specialized skills that are so intrinsic and .........
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October 1, 2023 @ 9:55 AM
“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” Unknown
Is there really anything more wonderful than being in love and feeling loved by another? What are we really seeking when we choose a partner?

We are seeking to have certain needs fulfilled
This occurs without our conscious awareness
What if you became consciously aware of what you need in a relationship in order to feel loved, fulfilled, and secure?
Would your choices in partners and friendships become quite ......
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