March 22, 2023 @ 6:11 PM

Enlightened Feelings Testing CardsNot sure what you need?  Order a set of our gorgeous TESTING CARDS featuring 76 of our living flower essence fusions on full colour 3.5" X 5" durable cards

Each card is specially designed to hold the frequencies of an essence fusion.  You can feel it viscerally while holding a card or looking at it.  Each card has a full description on the back, as well as life-perceptions test phrases to help you pinpoint your false belief that needs rebalancing

Every set comes with full instructions featuring 8 different ways to use the testing cards for yourself or to help others pinpoint what will help them the most.  You can also use them when you need a quick mini-balancing.  The cards are convenient and easy to carry with you wherever you go 

Our essence fusions testing cards are helpful when you just aren't sure which formulas are right for you.  Ideal for practitioners to accurately test their clients before ordering our products.  A pre-requisite for all students taking our practitioner training courses.  An easy way to get to know our essence fusions intimately

Just $29.98!   Order


 Place your order 

#selftestingcards  #EnlightenedFeelingsfloweressences  #oraclecards