Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences


About Enlightened Feelings

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Enlightened Feelings

We're experts in the science of the mind-body connection.  In fact, we are the original 'happiness-guru'!  We specialize in understanding the physiology of emotions and how that plays into illness, injury, and even pandemics.  Our unique expertise and protocols are a complex hybrid of emotional and psychological pathology married with the science of neuro-plasticity

We've spent more than 25 years researching, studying, and working with the relationship between your thoughts and feelings and how they affect your physical body.  We've become a respected world-leader in providing natural solutions to unhealthy negative feelings

We have an extensive professional background in health research and natural healing modalities, and work as advisors to health professionals of all genres in many countries.  We are cited and referenced by more than 1,600 health professionals and teaching institutions throughout the world  



Our philosophy:  Act with integrity.  Above all do no harm.  Make a positive difference.  We believe that as you change yourself and raise your own vibration, you begin to affect others in positive ways.  You become like ripples on a pond, your grace gently but surely spreading outward into the world.  Others begin to want the happiness and inner peace that you have found .... and so they, too, begin to change in positive ways .... and so it goes

We invite you to share with those you love the peace and inner joy you have found with our amazing living flower frequencies .....  We call it the 'Enlightened Feelings Effect' ...


Just wanted to say THANK YOU for your website. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve passed it on, or referenced it when I’m stuck, or am dealing with someone else who is stuck in a physical issue—just so I know better how to approach them, and life!  So thank you!"  Kayla F  Vancouver BC



The concept of Enlightened Feelings had its early beginnings in 2006 working with race horses and abused animals.  We employed living flower essences to help restore the well being and performance of stressed equine athletes and abused dogs, and had tremendous success!


That led us to prove scientifically that ALL animals have emotions.  Where scientists have long been studying the brain to look for the possibility of sentience, we already understood that emotions are necessary for the release of neuropeptides (NP's).  Even the most basic physiological functions require these tiny chemicals.  And the frequencies generated by emotions are the catalyst for their release  

Since all the physiology of all animals does include neuropeptides and neurotransmitters, and emotions are required for the activation of those NP's and NT's, animals do have emotions  


Our success with animals naturally evolved into helping people, too.  But, it wasn't until 2012 that we actually developed our own unique method of capturing the frequencies from live flowers to create hybrid 'flower essences' 


It all happened by Divine Intervention....In early 2011, Health Canada stopped the importation of unlicensed flower essences.  (Bach Flower essences are regulated health products and must be NHP licensed to be sold in Canada)

No longer able to import living flower essences, we began talks with the Natural Health Products branch of Health Canada, and after 11 months achieved an unprecedented regulatory exemption for living (uncut) flower essences  

Lori plant whispering

We took what we had learned from Health Canada, and combined that with more than 20 years of exhaustive research, training, and hands-on experience with a vast array of natural health disciplines including psychology, quantum physics, Russian space technology, frequency healing, flower essences, organic farming, and cellular biology

Our goal was to create a collection of live flower essences that would substantially raise the bar and surpass every other flower essence.  We ended up doing just that!   


In fact, we developed a whole new product genre that is classified by both Health Canada and the FDA as unique, separate and distinct from flower essences--flower bio-frequencies.  See the science  

This revolutionary concept is designed to induce psycho-neuro harmonization through neuropeptide and neural transmitter modulation.  (It employs the body's own natural frequency processes to prompt effortless change.)  Enlightened Feelings was born!  Meet our flower essence creator and plant-whisperer Lori D'Ascenzo  ...      


At Enlightened Feelings we hold the philosophy that emotions are a very important diagnostic tool.  Negative feelings are particularly important!  They tell you what is missing from your life and what you need in order to feel happy, fulfilled and in balance  

That is why we must understand what our feelings are telling us, and validate those feelings.  Feelings need to be heard and 'owned' in order to heal our lives and our bodies 

That's what we help you to do.  We offer a safe space of total acceptance, validation, and honesty to allow you to be who you really are, and feel what you really feel.  And we then provide the means and wisdom to elevate your perspective and vibration to transmute your negative experiences and feelings into something very empowering and positive.  Learn more about our services 


Our purpose is to help as many people as possible achieve happiness, inner harmony, balance and healing.  And then to let these people be catalysts for raising the vibration of the planet ... The Enlightened Feelings Effect!


Lori studying bouganvillea in Panama

About our products  It took 3 years to create our primary collection of potentized live botanical frequencies and animal essences.  The majority of our living flower frequencies were created from our lovingly tended organic perennial flower gardens  

But, we have also captured the frequencies of wildflowers and orchids from unique sites discovered during our international travels, including the highest point in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, the tidal seashores of Maine, the cloud forests of Panama, and an orchid research center in Xcaret Mexico.  We still add a few new essences to our collection each year

We extensively field test our essences and all our formulas to ensure their safety and efficacy.  We're constantly evolving our products and services to better assist our clients, and to meet the needs of a changing society


Ours is an exclusive and elite 'boutique' product--not available in retail settings or on Amazon.  You can only purchase Enlightened Feelings products from approved distributors and practitioners who are certified and skilled at dispensing our products and in testing you for your ideal flower frequencies

We've certified dozens of health professionals in vibro-acoustic healing (using the frequencies of tuning forks externally to balance the frequencies of the body).  But, after 2014 our main focus turned to the development of our collection of living flower frequencies.  We currently have more than 115 individual flower frequencies captured now!



We now offer convenient home-study professional training

Our goal is to lead, innovate and teach.  We want to develop a network of highly trained ethical health professionals the world over who will be the best in this unique field!  Our products truly can make a difference in the world.  But, we've discovered there is only so much we can do alone.  Together, we can change the entire world!

If you are a health professional or animal practitioner who wants to incorporate our unique potentized live flower essences into your existing services, our comprehensive accelerated-learning home-study program will expand your knowledge and expertise and ensure that you become the best of the best!  



Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility are our hallmarks 

We are leading the change in ecological responsibility as it relates to business.  For almost 2 decades we've been the poster-child for sustainability!  Our methods and practices promote both a healthier environment and a healthier society.  We grow our plants using organic practices and since we do not cut, harm, or harvest the plants, our gardens are healthy, whole, and sustainable, ensuring vibrant healthy seeds for the future.  We zealously compost and recycle.  We strive to attain as low an environmental impact as possible.  We have virtually a zero carbon footprint in our production  

Even our brochures and printed materials use recycled paper and vegetable inks.  But, shipping to the four corners of the globe is out of our hands and does produce a carbon footprint.  So, we ship in re-usable packaging, and we encourage you to re-use or recycle your bottles when they are empty

We also do our best to walk our talk about the health hazards of man-made frequencies, such as those produced by technology and electricity--electromagnetic fields (EMF's).  We own no microwave or cell phones.  Our computers, modems and electronics are hard-wired--not wireless.  Our office has been retro-fitted with EMF shielding materials        


Long Point Beach ON CanadaIn Autumn 2016 we re-located to Long Point Beach in Norfolk County on the Gold Coast of Southern Ontario.  Known as the 'Garden of Ontario', the move brings us closer to a truly natural environment in a region that actively promotes healthy lifestyle, sustainability, and environmental protection.  Most of the herbs and ginseng used for natural health products throughout Canada come from this region

Our tiny lakeside village of Port Rowan lies within a protected world biosphere that is a world renowned migration route for more than 250 different birds and butterflies


We've downsized our office and facilities so that we can have more time to enjoy our beautiful region and the lifestyle it affords.  This has created an inner and outer balance that allows us to better assist you.  Our office hours are Monday to Thursday 9-5PM EST  and Fridays 9-3PM EST


Contact Us in Ontario, Canada:    Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983



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Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0