Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
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Stress Buster!

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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 005


"Stress Buster!"

Energetically instills inner calmness and serene balance without losing focus.  Quickly and effectively relieves the effects of everyday stress while retaining mental alertness.  Helps you stay fully present in the moment.  Lasts ALL day! 


"Stress Buster has widened and softened my energy, plus I wake up singing happy songs, like spring birds do"  Anita L Toronto ON


A relaxed state of serenity is one of the best natural ways to alleviate headaches, pain, tension and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and back of the head caused by stress tension.  Use at bedtime to calm mental chatter and stress to allow more restful sleep.  Add to a bath for ultra-relaxation


Not suited for children and pets.  Choose our pet and children's version of Zen to relieve stress in children or petsUse as needed    


Use as needed

30 ml @ $30  ~  60 ml  $50

Also available in our Stress Relief Pack


"The stress buster was miraculous as this was the first time I tried it topically. I was having a sore neck just before I was leaving for a short trip. The last time I had this I had to go see a chiropractor. My neck was better within a couple hours of spraying this."  Shelly C  Toronto ON

"Sprayed stress buster inside my mouth and on back of my outer jaw. Also on my neck and shoulders. The tension that I hold there daily melted away within minutes. I carry daily tension and never have much relief. I can't wait to take a bath in it. So looking forward to using my blessings tomorrow. Thank u soooo of much"  DR TX


"I have been under tremendous stress from a change of residence.  Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong.  Everyone has commented on how calm and steady I am though all of this.  It has to be the Stress Buster!"   Wendy W  Pt Colborne ON


"I woke up with a nasty leg cramp. (a rare occurrence)  I literally had to walk on my toes in order to grab Stress Buster.  I sprayed it on and within in seconds the cramp eased. Whew!"    Nancy W  Buffalo NY


"I use Stress Buster almost every night at bedtime.  I spritz it on tense shoulders and neck muscles to relax them.   3 spritzes in the mouth helps me relax and stay in the moment so I can fall asleep quickly and awaken refreshed.  I just don't have as good a night's sleep when I forget to use it."  Lori D'Ascenzo




Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

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located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0