Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
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I Feel Loved

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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 018

"I Feel Loved"
"Under the sustaining influence of love, the physical body is always at its best.  It is probably true that more people are sick from lack of love in their lives than from all other causes put together"  Eric Butterworth
A wonderful warm-and-fuzzy antidote for anyone who is alone, or feeling alone and unloved.  You'll feel softly enveloped in positive, loving feelings.  It is almost like being in love!
Suitable for children.  Please specify, as dosage and instructions will be different


Use for 3 or more days whenever needed

30 ml @ $30 



Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

Email Us    tel: 1.519.586.2983

located in beautiful Long Point Beach world biosphere, Norfolk County, Ontario  N0E 1M0