Enlightened Feelings Living Flower Essences
Single Essences > Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree

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Price: $25.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 131T

"Tulip Tree"   Frequency of Aquarian leadership 

Ego is the word used to define your self-image or self-awareness.  It encompasses your personality, talents, accomplishments and flaws (distorted self-perceptions).  It is also a tool of your conscience.  That means your ego has the power to influence or derail every aspect of your life.  It also has the power to create something meaningful

Used properly, your ego recognizes your uniqueness in relation to others, and what you have to contribute to the whole of humanity and to universal consciousness.  The ego creates separation within the field of universal consciousness to allow us to each have a unique experience.  The danger of ego lies in forgetting that separateness is an illusion, a means to an end.  TULIP TREE ensures you do not forget this 

One of only 3 tree frequencies in our massive collection, this tulip tree is quite unique.  It was captured from a tree with twin trunks.  Both of the tree trunks survived after one was hit by lightning.  But it significantly changed the frequency of the tree so that it resonates at the same frequency as the human nervous system

Our tulip tree essence has a distinctly Aquarian energy.  Self-love and expression of one's ego stems from the acceptance and celebration of others. TULIP TREE promotes humble self acceptance and self esteem that stems from of a co-operative awareness, acceptance, and sensitivity to others.   At the same time, it holds balance without losing yourself in the energy of others.  It connects confidence to compassion and leadership with an intuitive awareness of what you can contribute to others that will be for the good of all  

30 ml  



Original copyright 2009.  Last updated February 2024.   All rights reserved.  No parts of this website or its contents may be copied or quoted without the express written permission of Lori D'Ascenzo


Enlightened Feelings

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