April 3, 2023 @ 8:50 AM

Have you ever noticed that it is hard to single out one animal in a herd of zebras or buffalo?  Nature has designed prey animals of each species to look and act alike.  Quite often they congregate in herds for greater safety.  This is how nature helps prey animals to have a better chance of survival


Humans are also ‘herd animals’.  So, we have many of the same psychological traits as other prey animals.  We instinctively seek the safety and security of conforming and belonging to the ‘group’.  But, in doing so, we must give up much of our individuality 



The grief and loss that accompanies abandonment or rejection of self is often perceived as feeling abandoned or rejected by others.  You may not realize the parts of yourself you have given away in your search for acceptance, safety, belonging, love, or a partner


There is very little growth and even less joy when you suppress your soul and abandon yourself to fit in or be loved and accepted.  You will always feel insecure, off balance, and uncomfortable in your own skin


Emotional starvation such as this triggers neurotransmitters that signal your body to store fat!  Your body and mind can't tell the difference between physical starvation and emotional starvation



So, if you are overweight or struggle with weight issues, it could be because you are conforming or trying to belong and fit in, or you are shielding yourself from rejection with a layer of fat.  You are giving away your power




SYMPTOMS of staying safe instead of being boldly authentic: 

anxiety ~ depression ~ bullied ~ weight problems ~ low self esteem ~ self-punishment ~ procrastination ~ eating disorders ~ addiction ~ anger ~ blame ~ resentment ~ physical pain ~ unhappiness ~ inexplicable grief ~ dead-end jobs ~ dysfunctional relationships




Understanding your VALUE to others


Take a moment and make a list of all your qualities and all those skills and abilities you feel you have to contribute to others.  Ask your friends to help you with your list.  They see you in ways you don’t!

 (Be sure to read that list regularly so you don’t forget how amazing you are!)  Add to your list as you begin to become aware of your own qualities



Now list what you perceive to be your negative attributes or flaws

Rename this list “IDIOSYNCRASIES”  


Isn’t it more fun and eccentric to have idiosyncrasies?  Notice how your perception changes when you label it differently.   Suddenly it makes you unique, exotic and interesting! 

What you don't realize is this is why most people love you … they love your realness, your character flaws, your ‘differentness’.  Not your perfection 


Click HERE to view our collection of Self Empowerment Essences


We offer so many wonderful live flower frequency fusions to assist in awakening your self-worth! 

With these fast-acting live flower frequencies, in just 3 days you’ll begin to feel so much better about yourself.  Use for 21 days or longer for lasting effect


Keep in mind that when dealing with subjective issues such as self perception and personal ethics, our products can’t negate your conscience so nothing will ever bother or upset you again.  (You'd become a sociopath or narcissist if we did that!)  

Our flower frequencies can only overwrite or transmute how you feel about what has already happened.  'Life' is going to continue to happen.  And that will affect your self perception  


So, remember to repeat your essence fusion once a month for 3-5 days (or take your flower essence fusion immediately whenever something shakes your self-confidence so that it will immediately dissolve and no longer affect you).  In this way you become proactive to ensure you remain happy and in a positive state of mind and being 



Would you like assistance or support to help you more effortlessly shift your life, your beliefs, and your emotional state of being?

That's why we're here!  


Learn more about our personal  photo testing services !  


#fiercelyauthentic  #freetobeme  #lovinmyidiosynchronicities