January 6, 2023 @ 11:11 PM


Frangipani blossomsIt was late in the day on Christmas Eve, 2022.  Alone on a palm-tree beach in Dominican Republic, I was relaxing alone in the warm sun and tropical breeze.  Five long years had elapsed since my last vacation, and I was focused on ‘me-time’


Suddenly, in a rush of warm air, someone in spirit came in close and surrounded me.  Their beautiful high vibration felt remarkably like a hug!  


I couldn't understand why a spirit would be visiting me in this foreign place without any cause.  So, I dismissed it


As dusk was creeping in I reluctantly sauntered back to my room to get ready for dinner.  But, as I entered my suite, I felt suddenly compelled to go and look out over my balcony.  I’d been at the resort for an entire week and, oddly, it had never occurred to me to do that!


When I peered down, I saw a beautiful frangipani tree in the garden directly below me.  Its aura glowed brightly in the dusky fading light.  I gasped at its beauty and ran down to the garden to take a closer look


This was the sacred flower I had been searching for all week!  The tree was in a hidden garden surrounded by bushes and could only be seen from above.  I was certain the spirit on the beach had directed me to it!


I captured the Frangipani flower frequencies early on Christmas morning after a lengthy ‘conversation’ with the tree.  Frangipani’s initial message to me was “Death teaches how to live.”  It seemed an oddly sad message for such a beautiful, vibrant, fragrant flower.  I didn’t understand what that meant and asked for more clarity


Frangipani blooms only when it has been under severe stress.  Its resilient energies assist us to overcome hardship and adversity, using challenges to develop our best qualities.  Through painful experiences we come to truly appreciate the gentle sustaining nature of beauty and pleasure


Frangipani demonstrates how harsh yang energy can be transformed into loving yin energy.   This makes Frangipani ideal for giving us strength to emerge from tough situations, helping us rise from the ashes to realize that the only thing which remains enduring is love


The message of Frangipani became much more profound when I returned home in the wee hours of Boxing Day.  I learned that my Pop had passed away from a stroke on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.  I realized immediately it was his loving spirit that had come to find me on the beach, and he had then led me to the Frangipani so that I would have the strength and grace to rise above my grief!


I am overwhelmed by the beautiful message and gift of sacred Frangipani.  Such a magical experience and a beautiful lasting tribute to an extraordinary man who epitomized the strength and authority of Yang, woven with the gentle loving and nurturing energy of Yin.  Even as his mortal life ends he will continue to make such a difference to so many people through the contribution of Frangipani to our Enlightened Feelings healing formulas 


