January 16, 2023 @ 7:20 PM

Salt Water Feng Shui Cure

Space Clearing

Here is an amazing new way to clear your house or office of negativity!  It is our innovation on a Feng Shui salt water cure

Use a small clean straight-sided 8 ox glass or jam jar with a wide mouth.  Use a jar that has a screw-on lid, and is inexpensive, because you will throw it away in a year's time (or less)  


Fill 1/2 full with un-iodized white salt (pickling salt is fine).  Add spring water and fill to the top.  (Don't use tap water, as it contains chlorine, or reverse-osmosis water as it is dead (contains no electrical charge)

Option:  you can also add a small piece of each of these resins:  Frankincense, Myhrr, and Copal

Add 14 drops of our essence fusion Space Clearing directly from the bottle 


Leave the lid off of your salt water cure (but keep the lid for future use)  

Place the jar in an inconspicuous spot (such as behind books on a shelf or on top of a bookcase) in an area of your home that feels 'dark' or negative, or needs clearing and protection, such as under stairs, in the southwest or northeast sector of your home.  Make sure it is an area where it won't be touched or disturbed, especially by your pets.  Be sure to place a saucer under the jar, or the salt will mar furniture


The jar will begin to corrode with salt.  The more corrosion, the harder the salt water cure is working.  If there is no corrosion at all after a couple weeks, move the jar to a new location   

Add 14 drops once a month (or more often if you notice ambient negativity developing) and keep the jar topped up with water

But, don't touch or disturb the jar with your bare hands, and don't spill the solution!


You will notice a positive difference in your home and life almost immediately--often within minutes.  Suddenly your home will feel more serene and neutral.  Positive things will begin to happen

If you forget about the salt water cure, you will notice when it is time to change the salt water cure as suddenly things will be going wrong 


Carefully discard the solution once a year before Chinese New year, or more often if it becomes heavily encrusted.  Use rubber gloves and a mask (or you will immediately feel ill from the accumulated negativity).   Seal the old jar carefully (with the lid you saved) without spilling the solution.  Place in a sealed plastic bag in the garbage.  DO NOT dump down the drain or on your property or road, as the remedy contains a huge amount of negative energy.  You don't want this concentrated negativity loose in your house, neighbourhood, or on your hands!  



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