January 27, 2023 @ 9:00 AM


"When you pray you are speaking to God.  When you meditate you are listening"


Mention the word 'meditation' and most people automatically think 'flakey new age hokum' or austere religious eccentrics chanting 'OM' while sitting in uncomfortable positions for hours on end.  Yet, almost everyone indulges in meditation periodically.  It's called 'visualization.' 

Most people do not realize how often they meditate without even being aware ... Have you ever gazed out a window lost in thought?  Have you ever taken a short nap and awakened with the answer to a problem?  Do you fantasize sometimes?   Do you pray?  Have you ever driven your car somewhere and lost track of how you got there?  Do you dream?  Have you ever gotten an idea for something and created it from scratch?  Are you artistic or musical?  Have you ever been moved emotionally by music, a movie, or a story?

If you answered 'yes' to even one of these questions, you have indeed meditated! 


Feels good, doesn't it?  Perfectly normal and healthy, too!

Alpha brain waves produced during meditation are in absolute harmony with the earth's own frequency.  It is rather like hacking into the universe's software!  This directly opens you to wisdom and inspiration far beyond analytical modes  


Do you want to be more creative?  Would you like your body to heal faster and more completely?  Are you looking for wisdom that extends beyond the limitations of book learning?  Do you want to discover what your soul truly desires?  Would you like to be able to manifest what you want in life? 

Meditation is a vehicle for consciously accessing this.  It is a direct link to your limbic brain where up to 1200 thoughts per second are processed, organized, and stored


Many people give up on meditation because they find it too hard to keep their mind from wandering or thinking about problems.  The key to meditating is to understand that you are not trying to shut off your mind.  You are trying to focus and direct your thoughts through your heart, which is linked via neurons to your right brain


The easiest way to do this is to invoke your senses.  Your right brain's function is to receive and interpret sensory input from your environment.  Simply give your right brain a job to do and it will focus on that!

Incense or aromatherapy, gentle music, a darkened room bathed in candlelight are all tools of meditation. Why?  They overwhelm your senses!  When this occurs your analytical left brain is kept busy interpreting the sensory input instead of thinking.  Sensory input directs your attention.  Focus is the result


Guided meditations are the best way to begin, as they involve engaging your auditory sense, in addition to your other senses.  Guided meditations take only 20-30 minutes and employ gentle music with audio directions that you follow.   The soothing voice of the director keeps your attention focused because you must follow specific directions.  Listening keeps your mind from wandering 


Whether your goal is relaxation and stress relief, a higher state of consciousness, heightened creativity, or problem-solving, invoking Alpha state via meditation is one of the easiest and most beneficial practices you can adopt.  It is a beneficial as taking a nap!  

It spans the bridges of education, culture and gender, allowing you to access your most vital, relaxed, happy and creative self.  Meditation gives you important self-nurturing 'me-time.'  It's the best way to solve problems.  A twenty minute meditation can do as much for you as eight hours of sleep!  Regular meditation can improve your life dramatically!


Feel-good Essences to assist with stress-relief, mental clarity and balance:  Zen  ~  Flow  ~  Clear & Protect