December 13, 2023 @ 8:13 AM

My parents grew up during during 'the hungry 30's'.  That's what the last great depression was called

The Great Depression was a desperate time.  The stock markets crashed.  Businesses closed.  There was no work to be found.  People became homeless  

My mother recalled that her father went to South America to work on oil rigs.  Her mother was left caring for 5 kids alone, with no home, no money, and very little food.  They moved every 3 months ... paying one month's rent and then getting evicted when they did not pay rent for the next 2 months  

As a result of that stressful childhood experience, my mother became very frugal and cautious.  She bought things only when they were on sale.  She hoarded food, and squirreled away money in drawers.  She was obsessed with security    

My father, however, was the total opposite.  He was generous and expansive.  If he had money, he spent it.  He took risks, and gambled.  He acted as if there was always more money on its way  

I asked him how both he and my mother could come through the same harrowing experience, but be so very different in their relationship with money.  He told me that during the depression he had lived on a large farm.  His family raised chickens, pigs, and cattle, and they grew vegetables.  They had plenty of food and wanted for nothing  

He recalled his mother compassionately feeding hobos that passed by, and going into town each week loaded with vegetables to donate to those who had nothing during that desperate time.  That is the reality that HE had experienced, and it had coloured his sense of security and his view of the world in positive ways  

But, my mother had experienced an entirely different reality.  And, as children do, she accepted that reality without questioning it.  It created a negative belief that severely limited her happiness and security in life, despite any prosperity she later experienced.  Eventually her desperate fear of my father's expansive attitude toward money ended their marriage


My mother never did overcome her past.  It crippled all her relationships, including those with her children, and left her increasingly unhappy and alone.  She died before I had the tools and knowledge to help her


What if everything you learned, experienced, and came to believe as a child is secretly sabotaging you now?  ....


"life is a struggle" ... "I am not good enough" ... " I am not lovable" ... "I don't deserve ..." .... "I can only count on myself" ...


How did you come to have these beliefs that are harmful to your happiness?  Why would you adopt these beliefs if they don't make you happy?  


Beliefs are life-rules you have created.  You learn them from watching and listening to others, such as your parents, peers and teachers.  Or you form beliefs after having an experience.  Your experiences serve as evidence

For example ... You have a bad relationship and get your heart broken.  You say to yourself.  "I'm not having any more relationships.  I will just get hurt."


Beliefs dictate 97% of your behavior and direct the course of your life.  They operate like software, in your unconscious mind, below the level of your awareness

Some beliefs can be positive and life-affirming.  But, negative beliefs create behaviors that limit you and cause unhappiness


What beliefs did YOU learn in childhood?

  • It's not safe to be myself
  • I can only count on myself
  • I'm not lovable
  • Having lots of money turns you into a bad person
  • I am different.  So, I don't fit in
  • Life is a struggle
  • Work is not something you should love
  • I have to be perfect to earn love
  • I'm not lovable until I'm perfect
  • Everyone else's wellbeing comes first
  • I don't get to be happy


Right now, you have a choice to make.  As a child your experiences seemed to be proof of how life is.  But, you do not have to accept the 'reality' of your childhood experiences.  You can effortlessly let go by raising your internal vibration so that lower vibration experiences begin to dissolve


What would change in your life if you began to think and feel differently?


choices ~ relationships ~ self esteem/self worth  ~  finances  ~ self care


The challenge of trying to release your past is that you begin to realize how attached you are to your past and how much it defines you.  Who are you without that childhood reality?  That fear makes your mind very resistant to letting go of the past  

But, when you use Enlightened Feelings products, the frequencies act naturally and effortlessly to dissolve your old perspective by elevating your point of view.  You feel good, and that opens you to accepting a new reality into your life 


Try one of our wonderful essences for gently healing childhood trauma and family karma


#childhoodtrauma  #familykarma